s u b c o r t i a
Dark ambient music and Sound art by Jeff Schmidt.
S U B C O R T I A is the kind of music & sound art I've been creating to score the darker moments in narrative documentary and fiction podcast series over the past several years.
While Subcorita shares a strong connection with that music in tone and texture it is not a soundtrack album. This is new music created as its own statement and has not appeared in any series.
I'm excited to bring some of the dark underscores I've been creating into the light. And oh, yes much of this was made with processed basses and guitars (I mean, come on! )
Mastered by Nathan Moody at Obsidian Sound.
I hope you enjoy it and share it with any fans of ambient’s Dark side!
Available on Bandcamp (my preferred source for indie music) and of course your music streaming platform of choice.